I got this in an e-mail from a friend. It’s classic: Corporations for Dummies: AN AMERICAN CORPORATIONYou have two cows.You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows.You are surprised when the cow drops dead.____A SOUTH AFRICAN CORPORATIONYou have two cows.You go on strike because you want three cows.They get…… Continue reading Corporations for Dummies
Author: Mateo de Colón
Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! (^.^)/
Move back to the USA?
At this time, I’m contemplating a move back to the USA. There are many factors contributing to this decision but perhaps the main one is to simply get some American work experience before I hit 30. After living and becoming accustomed to Asia for the past four years, it is impossible to re-adjust to the…… Continue reading Move back to the USA?
MMORPG, Saigon
I write now from the Pham Ngu Lao district in Ho Chi Minh that now is home to Saigon’s only decent “Starbucks-like” café. Saigon doesn’t have Starbucks yet but this place is darn close. They have enough selection that even an American would be satisfied although I’m sure the staff won’t understand what a “skinny”…… Continue reading MMORPG, Saigon
Evangelist Pat Robertson does it again
Reading CNN today I found that Pat Robertson has again pissed off a large mass of people. Apparently he called the major stroke suffered by Ariel Sharon an act of “divine retribution” for dividing the holy land. Such nonsense could be expected from zealots of any religion but traveling back to America I was struck…… Continue reading Evangelist Pat Robertson does it again
Trip to the USA
In my last entry, I was just about to embark on a month long vacation which would take me through Tokyo, to North Carolina, Ohio, back to Tokyo and then finishing in Saigon. I’m now on my last leg of the trip and writing from my hotel in the Tokyo town of Ikebukuro. These holiday…… Continue reading Trip to the USA