Another article I read in the IHT was about the Iranian minister’s comment that Americans are angry and in despair about current events. It’s true things are not going well from Irak and Iran to North Korea and so on. It’s also true that these are rough times. But if we look back has there…… Continue reading America, Angry and in Despair
Author: Mateo de Colón
Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! (^.^)/
America! Wake up!!!
I hate reading the news. Every time I do, things get worse and worse and I end up feeling depressed. I seriously think the news is bad for your health. Today, reading the International Herald Tribune, my blood pressure went off the charts and I almost had a stroke. But before I get to what…… Continue reading America! Wake up!!!
Thoughts of the Day
America in the House!!! Last week one of the biggest socialites in HCMC had his going away party and the theme was to dress like someone from your country. Therefore, I decided to dress as someone from a “Red State” and although my state of Ohio turned out red this time, I think that was…… Continue reading Thoughts of the Day
Fun in Saigon
I couldn’t think of a better title for this post. But a couple of funny instances recently that made me laugh and I thought I should write about. It’s moments like these that make me really love the Vietnamese people. 1. I was speaking with one of our staff members about how the salutation to…… Continue reading Fun in Saigon
Eavesdropping in America
I saw on the CNN webpage yesterday an article concerning the Wisconsin Senators proposal to Censure Bush over the Eavesdropping program. At the heart of the argument is if Bush knowingly violated the law or if Bush legally had the power to bypass the law since it is a time of war. As for myself,…… Continue reading Eavesdropping in America