At this time, I’m contemplating a move back to the USA. There are many factors contributing to this decision but perhaps the main one is to simply get some American work experience before I hit 30. After living and becoming accustomed to Asia for the past four years, it is impossible to re-adjust to the Midwest and American life in general.
Perhaps I’m just crazy and with just a simple adjustment in my thought process I could move back, attend the mega-churches, affirm that god hates gays, buy a Hummer and some guns, become a CONSUMER of products and live my life to earn dat money and consume more shit. And oh yea, the American Government spies on it’s citizens, tortures and I don’t have any rights at all if I’m classified as a “terrorist”, and have actually heard stories of the expatriate crowd actually getting detained in white rooms for a few hours while in the USA. Hell, moving to China or North Korea might be safer.
Well, maybe not North Korea.
In case you couldn’t tell my image if the US of A just ain’t so good at the moment. But take it with a grain of salt as my image has long been feed by CNN (Crisis News Network), business books like “The World is Flat” (which is a good book, but the underlying theme the problem) which gets so excited over how much faster Americans can be greedy and CONSUME.
Let me take a minute and ponder this word CONSUME. Being one who enjoys languages and the passive study of etymology I have to say I hate this word Consume or a person who is a consumer. To me it sounds like the person is a leech or like a black hole that sucks things into their being and grows fatter and bigger and bigger and fatter. Like one is a parasite to the earth bleeding it dry until nothing is left. And reading this book “The World is Flat” which is a great book and extremely informative, yet it makes my skin crawl. The problem is the underlying theme which is that we can CONSUME, Devour, Exhaust, Ingest faster and faster in such tones as ‘What a great world we live in now that we can DEVOUR CONSUME TAKE IN Over 400lbs of rubble, materials, items per DAY NOW When before It was ONLY 3lbs per day in 1982!!! Wow great for us!
For me, I felt the most liberated in my life when I shed my car, apartment, kitchen appliances, and other items that to me where like a 1000lb weight around my neck. Now if I go back to the states, it will be like putting this weight right back on voluntarily.
However, I’m running out of time to figure out the world. I’ve gone a little far on the languages and international learning but for some reason, I feel like I deserve to be working in an office,,,, no cubicle,,, no small desk in a room with no light, with a suit on, and should hate my job but earn just enough to be able to stay afloat with a car, house,, no make it an apartment payment, health, eye, dental fire, flood, insurance and perhaps some sort of insurance from the local priest in case the local board of education adopts evolution instead of intelligent design and God burns down my town.
But on the other hand, America is still a kind of free country for the moment but should things turn even worse, I’m sure I could sneak into an Asian embassy and ask for asylum. But seriously, California I’ve heard has been reclaimed by the Mexicans with invasion forces coming from Japan, Vietnam, and China who maintain strongholds in certain sections of the city. So maybe California won’t be too bad. On the other hand, I’ve heard there are a lot of egocentric, presumptuous ACTORS out there! If I have to hear a statement like:
“Well I think my role in Christina, really portrays our inner journey into the spiritual world and is a metaphor for rediscovery” I swear I’m gonna commit seppuku. And oh yea, if you couldn’t tell, I hate actors…… except Johnny Depp.
He rocks.
I wouldn’t worry too much about the spying thing – I don’t like it, don’t get me wrong, but it isn’t something you’d have to worry about too much. Nor do you have to worry about being hauled off in the middle of the night here. That being said, you’re certainly right about the notion of being chained to a job you might not like just because it’s too difficult to make a move.
you stated and I quote, new paragraph “But on the other hand, America is still a kind of free country for the moment but should things turn even worse, I’m sure I could sneak into an Asian embassy and ask for asylum. But seriously, California I’ve heard has been reclaimed by the Mexicans with invasion forces coming from Japan, Vietnam, and China who maintain strongholds in certain sections of the city”, last time I checked,,,California was still a state, not a city.
In my humble opinion, I would just as soon you stayed where you are, we have enough idiots that havent left yet, we don’t need you back.