Islam is under attack, we hear and OIC, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, is coming to the rescue. Jihadwatch takes a look at the priorities of OIC: Unfortunately the threats that OIC sees are not the sort of violent extremist “hijackers” of the “religion of peace” who perpetrated 9-11, 7-7, etc. but rather “political…… Continue reading OIC priorities
Slow creeping death of universal human rights
I have written about them before and once again does the improbably named IHEU (International Humanist and Ethical Union) impress me with a poignant and ominous report on the poor state of the UN’s work for human rights in the face of a majority of Islamic member states that work within the system to establish…… Continue reading Slow creeping death of universal human rights
Ellemann-Jensen and democracy
Former Foreign Minister and contestant to be Prime Minister of Denmark Uffe Elleman Jensen (Lib.) has been an out-spoken critic of the Mohammed cartoons from the beginning. In a recent post on his blog on major Danish daily Berlingske Tidende’s web-site he asks who benefits, Cui Bono, from the publishing of the Mohammed Cartoons and…… Continue reading Ellemann-Jensen and democracy
Muslims and Christians
Since September 11th and the wars in Afganistan and Iraq there has been an enormous surge of interest in the Muslim world from America. The ordinary American knowing nothing of this ancient culture will pick up bits and pieces from various sources including academic books, hateful right wing talk radio, American soldiers experiences or extreme…… Continue reading Muslims and Christians
More irony
I know that not a soul is going to actually read this but I just need to get it off my heart. The second round of the Mohammad cartoon crisis is sort of rolling and I just happened to watch a round of the Doha Debates on BBC World (March 8th) where the otherwise intelligently…… Continue reading More irony