At the gym today I had the misfortune to look up at the t.v. which was tuned to CNN. They were covering the Israeli invasion and my blood started to boil.
It appears an Israeli soldier was taken hostage and it was being called a “game changer.”
I absolutely detest the way Americans describe war in terms of a sporting event. But perhaps it is fitting as American media continually roots for one team which is Israel while trying to justify the worst atrocities.
I wonder how many children were killed by Israel today. I’m sure there must be some good reason like Hamas was hiding very ineffective missiles there which mostly are intercepted by their much touted Iron Dome anyway. Seems like a perfectly good reason to kill those little Arabs. I wonder what the accepted Israeli ratio is in terms of dead children to a discovered missile cache or tunnel. Is the discovery of another tunnel worth 10 dead children? 20? Perhaps one tunnel is worth unlimited dead children to Israel?
I’ve seen too many articles these past weeks trying to justify dead kids. Most of the articles put the blame on Hamas which is certainly accurate. Hamas is vile. But the fact remains that the damage Hamas inflicts on Israel is negligent. The damage Israel inflicts on Gaza is obscene.
I find this would be a good time for a quote.
Out of our memory…of the Holocaust we must forge an unshakable oath with all civilized people that never again will the world stand silent, never again will the world…fail to act in time to prevent this terrible crime of genocide….we must harness the outrage of our own memories to stamp out oppression wherever it exists. We must understand that human rights and human dignity are indivisible.
Well apparently this quote is moot when the shoe is on the other foot now isn’t it. Gaza looks pretty much like a concentration camp to seeing as the inhabitants cannot leave and the Israelis are doing their best to kill as many as possible. Yes yes, please tell me how they call and warn the residents they are going to come blow up their house only to throw a shell right on the UN school.
Another event in sporting news is that an Israeli soldier was captured and the American media referred to it as “a game changer.” So let me understand this. Over 1500 dead Gazans with a good portion of that being children is not a game changer but one captured Israeli is?
What do you think happens in a war? What do soldiers do in wars? They kill people! It seems entirely reasonable to me that the Gazans might want to do as much harm as possible to the Israeli soldiers wouldn’t they?
So while I was at the gym they showed this Israeli soldiers picture about 15 times in 45 minutes. Please take a guess how many dead Gazan children they showed.
Well, maybe I could just look up the carnage Israel is unleashing on the internet?

Nope!!! Blocked, censored, not allowed! We can only see the image of the captured Israeli over and over and over. No Palestinian dead children allowed please. Nothing to see here.
Here in the US you simply cannot say anything bad against Israeli if you happen to be a politician or in the media. The tentacles of Israel reach deeply into this country and have a stranglehold.
These tentacles run so deep that Israel can commit the most horrible atrocities and the US will not only continue to justify the reasons but fund the bombs that kill these children as well? Why? Because America has a fucking ‘special relationship’ with Israel. Aka, Israel has the US sucking its dick.
And how will all of this play out? Will this latest genocide bring peace to the region and turn all the Gazans into Israel supporters? I think not. Yes, who wouldn’t love a country or race that killed not only someone’s entire family but all the neighbors as well. Hey, after all they sent a memo it was coming didn’t they?